Whenever I get together with my friends for any reason I can't help but be reminded of how awesome they all are and how lucky I am to be where I am in life and had the opportunities I've had. We are all excited about exercise and the outdoors and health... (minus the part of the evening where we scientifically tried to stuff twizzlers with pixi-stick sugar. And we all look out for each other. I'm proud to be part of such a wonderful group of people. It constantly makes me happy to think about it!
Anyway, disk was awesome. I'm sore, but the good kind, and I'm looking forward to start playing actual games.
YOU'RE sore?!?
Well... I mean.. my face isn't sore.. but then again I didn't get my face in the way of a disk...
That disc got in the way of my face!
that's a mighty big face ou have!
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