Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I love baseball.

Something about it just makes me happy.
Actually, many things about it make me happy. Its a complicated and often nonsensical game, yet it's governed and monitored with a rigid mathematical system of statistics. There's no fixed time limit so games are more laid back and length is almost completely a factor of relative skill of the teams. Yet as laid back as it is no sport I know of in this country, and especially in this city (Boston), is capable of so many heart wrenchingly exciting moments. The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat... I think perhaps it's the suspense that often lends baseball it's edge... You just never know. (But it's a banner industry and the aim of all fantasy league players to try and predict...)

As awesome as it is to get caught up in the rush of a well played game between rivals or a gripping playoff bid, I think the parts I personally like most about baseball is its connection with the seasons. In earliest spring, as the trees bud out and daffodils bloom baseball is also born again. In the summer it reaches maturity and the season shows its character, some teams flower and others fade away. As summer fades and fall begins the leaves on the trees change color just in time for baseball's biggest show. Its a perfect excuse to get outdoors, to feel the atmosphere of the stadium, to jump up at the sound of a well hit ball.

For me baseball is not so much about dissection of past games or prediction of future ones but about the living entity, the feel of the sport. I think this is the part that makes baseball a national pastime... the tangible effects of sun on the skin, smells of fresh cut grass and popcorn. The cool taste of a coke or a beer to wash down a hot dog. The pop and sting of a ball in the mitt playing catch with dad in the backyard. The first successful curveball. The hiss and crackle of static on the radio or the laughter of a group of friends gathered to watch a game on TV. To have an everyday opportunity to witness the birth of legends and heroes.

In today's majors, awash with steroids, stats and money I fear we might begin to loose sight of these things that make baseball so much a part of our national psyche in the first place. We may become jaded with the game because we've become jaded with the system and lost in the numbers. Since obviously this would be a shame I think we should all make a concerted effort to remember what it's all about. And I have a prescription to help you along the way....

For one of my birthday adventures The Girl organized a trip to see the local AAA baseball team, the Pawtucket Red Sox, (or paw sox). Even I was surprised to discover that this much cheaper alternative to a big league game was just as exciting. All of the important elements of the game were in place, from obnoxious fans to the stadium announcements to patterns mowed into the outfield. It is easy to put asside the fact that you don't know any of the players, that you might not be watching the highest caliber of play. It was more about friends and a day out and about a game well played. This was fun. This is baseball.

So get out and watch your high school team, go see a minor league game, check out your local college schedule, play wiffleball in the backyard with your friends or join a summer league. Have ag good time. Smile! Enjoy the game!

ohh.. and... GO RED SOX!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

happy birthday to me!!!

I used to not care much about birthdays.   It was just another day  in just another year.  However recently I have had a spat of friends that have put a lot more faith into birthdays than I do.  I'm starting to see their point.

It started with arranging birthdays for a few other people.  I really enjoy this aspect.  I like getting into the emotional nitty gritty of it all, cataloging the looks on the faces of gift recipients, basking in that moment when you know that you got everything just right.  Not to mention that the whisky fountain was quite exciting :-).  This got me thinking about other aspects.  For instance, if I was getting so much joy and satisfaction out of helping other people enjoy their birthdays, and those people believe in the magic of birthday moments, who am I to be a birthday Scrooge?

So, this birthday I resolved to put myself first for one day and to let others in my life have the satisfaction of making me feel special in their own way.  I was surprised by how difficult this was at first.  I felt guilty whenever anyone spent money on me or even went out of their way to wish me well.  In hindsight I'm not even sure  why I felt this guilt.   As the day progressed though I began to embrace the spirit of it it's been the best birthday ever!

I got amazing gifts, had amazing food, a baseball game is in the near future and I have the world's best friends, led by my amazing, wonderful, beautiful girl.   

Maybe the best part is the notes though.  I used to think that the facebook note's that flood in on your birthday were silly.  Why just one day?  Why just one line?  This year is different though.  I've taken it as a challenge.  I'm going to reply to all those notes.  If even ONE good conversation develops as a result it will be another magical moment, another wonderful birthday gift!

So, thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.  I appreciate you all and look forward to a note in the future in return!  And please do enjoy your birthday when it comes round this year.  Let yourself be spoiled, let go, be happy, be you!  You deserve it!